Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bursdags Festen!!!

As you might know, my birthday was last month. I had some friends over to watch a movie and eat pizza and, because we're in Norway, braid each others' hair. There was also this really big storm that night with lots of wind, a little lightning, and lots and lots of rain.

The fjord during the storm, just across the street from my house

Birthday cards!

Opening presents

Marie's "waterfall" braid (by me) 

My fishtail braid (by Hanna)

Marie, Ingvild, Sigrid, Hanna, Mathilde, Sofie, Ingvild, og meg
This one isn't actually from my birthday, but I forgot to put it up a long time ago. Sigrid, Marie and I went out for sushi. Yummm!

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