Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jul i Norge!

Det er den tiden igjen, tid for jul! Fordi jeg har vært her i 5 måneder, jeg synes at det er tid for meg å skrive litt norsk til alle hjem. Men siden du forstår ikke denne (hvis du bor ikke på norge) jeg skal stoppe her. Og jeg skrivet på bokmål, ikke trøndersk, så at du kan oversetter med Google Translate :)

Christmas time! This is sort of a long one. I haven't updated anything in a while because I figured it would kind of be a waste of time to do before Christmas. But then I forgot my camera-computer connector when we went to Sweden so I couldn't post anything until I got home. Sweden? Yes! My family has a cabin in Åre, Sweden and they spend Christmas there every year. It's just over the border so it's only about a 2-2 1/2 hour drive from Trondheim. But it's really cold there! The temperature reached about -35 fahrenheit on some days...wayyyyy too cold for me.

I got to try cross country skiing for the first time and I loved it! It's a lot more work with your arms than I was expecting but it was also a lot more fun than I thought it would be.

As soon as we got to the house, we went out on snowmobiles to cut down a Christmas tree. In Norway they celebrate on the night of the 24th, not on the morning of the 25th like us.

Me, standing outside when it's -30!

Host siblings! from L-R: Simen, Ida, me
Ida and I decorating the tree

Haha good job to whoever made this one...

Welcome to Duved! (in Sweden)
I'll put up some more pictures sometime but right now I need to go to sleep. God natt, god jul, og god nyttår!

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