Sunday, November 21, 2010


So I know I haven't updated this in a while (since I got here, in fact) but I'm going to try and make an effort to do that a little more often.

Here's a little recap of my stay so far:
First month-
  • Started school at Adolf Øiens videregående skole
  • Thought Norway was so nice and warm
  • Moved in with 1st host family
  • Learned how to ride the buses--and had to run to catch them a lot! 

Second month-
  • Really started making closer friends
  • Considered joining a fotball (soccer) team but then realized that volleyball would be so much nicer, as it is an indoor sport
  • Still thought Norway had nice weather...for the first half of the month
  • Starting to understand more Norwegian
  • Snow in October??????????????????

Third month-
  • My friends tried to start speaking only Norwegian to me. I can understand a lot, but only if they speak slowly
  • I'm able to put together words to form coherent sentences! Sometimes.
  • Everyone who told me that I'll just "pick up the language in a month or two" was WRONG. You don't just "pick up" a language! It takes a lot of work, a lot of questions and a lot of saying things that make no sense whatsoever. And it takes a lot more time than just a month or two.
  • I joined a gym so I could run inside (there's a good 3 inches of solid ice covering the ground now, with some snow on top) and so I could take zumba classes! It's sort of hard not being able to understand what the instructor says but I'm getting pretty good at directions and counting now!
  • Finally learned the ABCs! Not just in order, but so that I can spell things too. Pretty sure people in Trondheim think I'm crazy because I walked around with my Norwegian friends, quietly singing the alphabet.

Fourth Month-
  • Just started!
  • WHAT?!? My exchange is nearly 1/3 over! Time flies! :D